ProjectWise Explorer Help

Using Integrated Microsoft® Outlook®

With or without integration, you can always save Microsoft Outlook messages to ProjectWise by dragging messages from Microsoft Outlook into a folder in ProjectWise Explorer.

When ProjectWise integration is installed, you can also:

  • save messages to ProjectWise directly from Microsoft Outlook
  • save message attachments to ProjectWise directly from Microsoft Outlook
  • attach ProjectWise documents, or links to documents, to a new message
Tip: If you have ProjectWise integration for Microsoft Outlook installed but you do not see the expected ProjectWise tabs (either in the main Outlook window or in your messages), it is possible that Microsoft Outlook has disabled ProjectWise integration. If this is the case, go to File > Info > Manage COM Add-ins in Microsoft Outlook, find the ProjectWise iDesktop Integration add-in, then turn on Options > Always enable this add-in and click Apply.